
Montana’s draft law would create an abortion traffic offense

Montana’s draft law would create an abortion traffic offense

On Wednesday, the legislators in Montana have heard a draft law that creates the crime of abortion traffic.

Bill House 609 It has three Republican co-sponsors. It forbids pregnant persons or those who help them leave the state or travel to the state in order to procure an abortion that is illegal in accordance with the law of Montana.

The crime must prove that it has been committed “intentionally or knowingly”.

Sanctions for the crime of abortion traffic would include fines of up to $ 1,000 and up to 5 years in prison, and additional charges could include deliberate, mitigated or negligent homicides.

A few supporters from Judicial hearing of the house Say the sphere of law is restricted and it is about protecting the unborn and rights of the parents of pregnant minors.

“Abortion traffic is a coordinated effort to bypass our laws, reduce parents’ rights and eliminate each protection meant to keep women safe. This draft law is about stopping bad actors to exploit legal gaps to transport minors on state lines for an abortion without the knowledge of their parent. It is about preventing an unregulated abortion industry to extend its touch without any responsibility, ”said the state representative Kerri Sekins-Crowe (R-Bilings), the main sponsor.

The provision of the supporter was Robin Sertell from Montanans for Life and Derek Oestreicher, the chief legal adviser of the Montana Family Foundation.

Over 20 opponents have confessed, calling the tactic of draconian fear and say that the stricter laws of abortion lead to less safe results for women

“We are here to create an immediate offense if abortion is ever outside the law in Montana. And this crime will affect women, they will have an impact on their partners, it will have an impact on their families, it will have an impact on the medical suppliers, it will have an impact on anyone who supports them when they try to get the medical care they need, “said Robin Turner, representing the legal voice.

Other opponents have included many people who speak in their personal quality, some who work in the medical industry. The organizations that discussed the draft law included the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Blue Mountain Clinic, the Montana Medical Association, the Montana Coalition against internal and sexual violence, the planned lawyers for parents in Montana, Bridgercare, Montpir and Montanans to choose the action.

The draft law would request any acts committed after the signing of the draft law. No fiscal note has been published.

If he deletes the committee, he will then head to the floor of the house.