
The North Dakota house passes the bill for the extension of marijuana decriminalization, making a low -level posting of $ 150

The North Dakota house passes the bill for the extension of marijuana decriminalization, making a low -level posting of $ 150

Northern Dakota representatives camera approved A draft law for decriminalizing low -level marijuana possessionreducing the crime with a civil citation punished with a fine of up to $ 150.

The members voted 76-17 on Monday to adopt the legislation from the main representative of the sponsor Liz Conmy (D), sending him to the Senate for examination. This comes a week after the measure has gone through the judicial committee.

While North Dakota in 2019 has adopted what advocacy groups refer to a marijuana decriminalization law This has eliminated the risk of imprisonment for holding under one half a hill of cannabis, technically holding a criminal offense and has a fine of up to $ 1,000.

The new draft law would make a simple possession of up to half an ounce of marijuana a summons and would adjust a number of other possession penalties: to have between half an ounce and 100 grams would be a criminal offense, with between 100 and 500 grams they would become a Class B crime and would have over 500 grams.

“At the moment, the smallest accusations (for possession) are an offense-but it involves three judicial data, an initial appearance, pre-process aspect and trial,” said Rep. Steve Vetter (R), Monday. “We pay for judges, lawyers, indigent defense and the rest of the costs of a court. This is a cost for taxpayer. Our judges and courts are overwhelmed, and this draft law aims to reduce the costs for the courts. “

“What he intends to do, indeed, is to skip all the trial and to offer them only $ 150, similar to a parking ticket,” he said, adding that the legislation is supported by the North Dakota State Association, Criminal Defense Lawyers from North Dakota and lawyers.

measure It would also adjust the law around the HC holding, the main active ingredient in marijuana. The possession of less than two grams would become a non -criminal summons, between two grams and four grams would be a criminal offense, between four grams and six grams would be a class B crime and over six grams would be a class A.

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Beyond establishing new possession thresholds, the measure would also adjust the rules regarding the sealing of the criminal convictions of the past. Specifically, they would make eligible people who have been convicted of a first crime on holding up to 500 grams of marijuana or four grams of THC, provided that the person is not subsequently convicted for a similar violation in two years.

Another change would make most marijuana parafernalia possess a non -criminal citation.

Before promoting the draft law in the commission earlier this month, the members adopted a modification of the draft law according to which the sponsor said that it will change the rules around the possession of cannabis among persons under 18, to maintain these cases within the judicial system for minors.

Another modification deleted the words in the initial draft law, which would have allowed the summons punishment to be “up to $ 150 – an adjustment supported by the Northern Dakota State Association. Judges could continue to choose to reduce this fine, the office said.

While lawyers are supporting the proposal of decriminalization, there is still a persistent disappointment that voters last year rejected a voting initiative to adopt adult marijuana legalization in the state.

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