
Clearwater Seafoods sets employees at 2 facilities in Nova Scotia

Clearwater Seafoods sets employees at 2 facilities in Nova Scotia

The Giant Clearwater Seafoods fishing giant fired employees at two of his facilities in Nova Scotia, as a result of recent changes in his lobster activity.

On a statement on Thursday, a company spokesman said Clearwater changes his business, classification and live storage and processing business.

Its processing plant in ARACHAT, NS, closed on Wednesday, and the staff was fired, as was fired from its processing unit in Lockeport, NS – on the other end of the province.

Christine Penney said she will no longer operate the processing line of the seasonal lobster at her installation in Lockeport, in the south -Vest Nova Scotia.

The Lockeport factory will remain open and will function as an installation focused on shells throughout the year, but the employees working in the processing of the lobsters have been permanently fired.

Penney said that the company is in late stage negotiations to sell its live lobster unit in Archit on Cape Breton island to an “experienced operator”.

a lobster statue
Clearwater says he hires 1,100 people in Atlantic Canada. (Robert Short/CBC)

She said that the live holding plant is temporarily closed before selling, because there is currently no inventory. As a result, the staff was temporarily fired.

“Subject to the completion of a final purchase and sale agreement, the employees of Archeat will move to the new owner of the installation,” she said.

Penney said Clearwater restores her lobster activity in her offshore harvesting operations.

“These changes are difficult, but necessary to increase resistance and ensure the long -term health health under provocative market conditions,” Penney said.

“They realize the business and reorient themselves on the largest strengths of our vertically integrated, ice cream at sea, offshore harvest, global premium wild crustacean processing and distribution.”

The Clearwater’s statement said they are employing 1,100 people from Atlantic Canada.