
Digital Dubai Launches Dubai Labor Force Survey 2024 – Business – Economy & Finance

Digital Dubai Launches Dubai Labor Force Survey 2024 – Business – Economy & Finance

Digital Dubai, represented by the Dubai Data and Statistics Establishment (DDSE), has announced the launch of the Dubai Labor Force Survey 2024.

The purpose of this survey is to estimate the size of the labor force, to identify key indicators related to employment and unemployment, and to provide up-to-date data and statistics on the demographic, social and economic aspects of the general population and the labor force, and, in particular, economically active people.

Dubai Digital appealed to the targeted households to actively participate in the survey conducted by the Dubai Data and Statistics Authority (DDSE) and facilitate the work of authorized field teams.

The aim is to provide accurate and comprehensive information to assist decision makers in setting future plans and strategies. This annual survey is part of DDSE’s strategic plan and supports the objectives of Dubai’s D33 Social Agenda, which aims to develop the most efficient and proactive social system of protection, care and empowerment by developing a model that enhances equal opportunities for all segments. of society.

Younus Al Nasser, Chief Executive Officer of the Dubai Data and Statistics Establishment, emphasized the importance of this survey and its impact on providing accurate data on the various characteristics of the population and workforce. He said: “Field surveys are one of the key and direct means we adopt in Dubai to understand the reality and assist policy makers in setting development strategies, policies and programs that support national talent and provide adequate employment opportunities. The Labor Force Survey is among our top priorities due to its exceptional importance in improving job opportunities and driving economic growth across Dubai, helping to achieve the goals of the Dubai economy, particularly the Dubai Economic Agenda D33. Actively participating in this survey and providing accurate data serves as a strong boost to DDSE’s efforts to create a comprehensive and accurate data system. This system will help understand the current state of the emirate’s workforce, enabling relevant government entities to develop plans aimed at providing employment opportunities for national talent.”

The survey aims to provide an accurate picture of various demographic, social and economic characteristics of the population and labor force, including economic participation rates. It further aims to identify the career composition and economic activities of employed persons, as well as their employment status. Moreover, the survey aims to measure unemployment rates by different characteristics and track changes in key indicators and characteristics over the years.

The Data and Statistics Authority of Dubai (DDSE) has confirmed that privacy and information security standards will be strictly applied to this survey. He mentioned that the data collected from the Labor Force Survey will be analyzed to identify the different characteristics of the population and the labor force, including both employed and unemployed people and their related conditions. In addition, the survey aims to identify unemployment rates, examine levels of Emiratisation in the emirate, assess the size of the workforce and assess the levels of professional and digital skills available and their alignment with labor market demands and needs. .

This year, the survey will be conducted using a hybrid approach. It will offer three options: telephone interviews, e-mail and field visits to conduct personal interviews with the collected households and labor camps. It will take place between October 1 and November 21, 2024, respecting national and international standards in this field. The survey aims to target a community sample of 5,500 households spread across different communities in Dubai.