
The Coast Guard is suspending two top leaders at its base in San Diego – San Diego Union-Tribune

The Coast Guard is suspending two top leaders at its base in San Diego – San Diego Union-Tribune

With little explanation, the Coast Guard suspended two of its top officers from its base in San Diego, which is among the agency’s largest operations on the West Coast.

Captain James Spitler and Chief Petty Officer Michael Dioquino have been temporarily relieved of duty, Rear Admiral Joseph Buzzella said in a statement statement.

“The Coast Guard cannot accomplish our missions without the respect and trust of every member,” Buzzella said. “A safe and professional environment for every member is essential to the success of our service, and we will not tolerate behavior that goes against our core values ​​of honor, respect and devotion to duty.”

The announcement was made on Friday.

Spitler served as the commanding officer of Coast Guard Sector San Diego, and Dioquino was the command’s senior officer.

The Coast Guard would usually exonerate someone if they were the subject of an investigation.

The San Diego District is responsible for patrolling 120 miles of coastline and 750 miles of the Colorado River, as well as the southwest maritime border between the U.S. and Mexico, the agency said. say.

Each year, the agency says the sector saves about 150 lives, participates in about 250 search and rescue cases, catches about 1,200 people crossing the border illegally and conducts safety inspections on more than 600 domestic vehicles.