
iFixit’s iPad Mini 7 teardown fails to shed much light on Apple’s ‘Jelly Scrolling’ fix

iFixit’s iPad Mini 7 teardown fails to shed much light on Apple’s ‘Jelly Scrolling’ fix

Apple last week launched the iPad mini 7 and the well-known electronics repair site iFixit accomplished this teardown voodoo that I doso good, and over the weekend shared a iPad mini 7 disassembly videowhich fails to shed much light on improvements to the “jelly scroll” device.

“Jelly scrolling” refers to an issue where users see screen tearing when scrolling through content while using the device in portrait orientation.

Since the release of the sixth-generation iPad mini in September 2021, some users have been reporting that text on their iPad mini appeared slightly jagged while scrolling in portrait orientation on the device. The text on the left side of the screen seems to lag slightly behind the text on the right side while scrolling. While some users weren’t bothered by the issue, some said that once noticed, the issue was hard to ignore, making it irritating to look at, possibly causing eye strain.

While an Apple spokesperson once claimed that “jelly scrolling was a ‘normal’ behavior for LCD iPads, Apple has apparently decided to tone down the ‘normal’ effect on the recently released iPad mini 7 . A few reviewers commented that “jelly scrolling”. ” was less visible or not at all visible on the new iPad mini. Apple made a vague statement to some reviewers that it made changes to the display to fix the problem.

While some have speculated that Apple may have rotated the display controller inside the iPad mini 7 to make the “jelly scroll” less noticeable in portrait orientation, iFixit found that the position of the display controllers remained unchained from the iPad mini sixth generation.

Then, iFixit concluded that Apple performed some previously unknown “tricks” to reduce the “jelly scroll” effect.

In the teardown video, it was also revealed that the Apple logo on the back of the iPad mini 7 can be removed. However, the internal design of the device is similar to its predecessor.