
The Netflix mobile app will now let you bookmark and share scenes with your friends

The Netflix mobile app will now let you bookmark and share scenes with your friends

After Telepartythis will probably become my second most used Netflix feature. Netflix launch a mobile feature, Moments, today. This feature allows users to save and share scenes from Netflix content that they love (or hate). It’s launching globally on iOS today and will be rolling out to Android in the coming weeks.

A new Moments button will now appear next to the Speed, Episodes, Audio & Subtitles, and Next Episode buttons at the bottom of the screen. All you have to do is tap the Moments button when a scene you want to save starts. Doing so will automatically save the scene to my Netflix tab. To share it, go to the tab, tap Share and choose a platform of your choice. You can share to Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat and Messenger apps as default options and an option to Copy links to share in apps not listed.

Your moments will stay in the Netflix My Netflix tab for as long as you want, so you can also treat them like a library of your favorite moments. Also, I’m not sure why, but the next time you play an episode or movie, it will start playing from the scene you bookmarked from it.

Moments is currently an iOS and (in a few weeks) Android exclusive feature. No word yet on its browser or TV release. However, Tudum, Netflix’s official companion site, says, “Hopefully, the moments will expand in the future,” which most likely refers to its imminent availability on those platforms.

I see myself using the feature more as a personal library where I’ll save the scenes that are most iconic to me. Sharing would also be incredibly helpful, especially when you need to show the group chat that scene you can’t stop talking about. In the past, I’ve resorted to screen recording on my phone, which isn’t exactly an ideal way to do it.

It looks like Netflix is ​​finally putting in the work to justify its endlessness price hiking. Just last week, this announced that it will finally start focusing on quality over quantity of content (about damn time). It plans to reduce its annual output to around 30 films, down from 50 a year, so it can focus on allocating its budget, time and effort intelligently. Momente is more than just a feature that the streaming platform is rolling out to viewers out of the goodness of its heart. The ultimate goal is to attract more customers, which will be helped by consumers sharing their favorite scenes from its shows and movies.