
Prop 1 will dilute one person, one vote

Prop 1 will dilute one person, one vote

Proposition 1 is marketed by its supporters as a ticket to “Open Primaries,” but it really isn’t. It is a ranked choice voting scheme where you get three ranked choice votes for a single position.

I am one of many people who are unhappy with our current closed primary system. Right now, a very small group of people are able to control who registers to vote Republican. I think real open primaries will correct this. I know a conservative candidate with a good campaign can win in an open primary. In fact, I easily won my first primary election in 2008, which was an open primary.

Three reasons to oppose Proposition 1:

• Does not improve the current situation. It only makes things worse.

• One person, one vote will be diluted. Your top pick will be corrupted by your second and third picks.

• Will make recounts almost impossible.

For these reasons and more, please vote “NO” on Proposition 1.


Sand point