
CoD BO6 Safe House Puzzles: All Solutions Explained

CoD BO6 Safe House Puzzles: All Solutions Explained

In total, there are seven Safe House puzzles to complete, each with its own reward that will prove useful in improving different areas of the house.

So how do you complete the Safe House puzzles in? Code: Black Ops 6? Keep reading for all the essential information!

CoD BO6 Safe House Puzzles: All Solutions Explained


The first puzzle involves activating the generator located in the basement.

Once inside, turn the “boiler” wheel twice, the “fuel” wheel halfway, press the “pilot” button, then turn the “boiler” wheel twice again to start it.

When completed, a bell will sound and all interaction options will disappear.

The piano

Puzzle number two involves the piano sitting next to the kitchen.

Beside her is a small table with a black light on it. Take it and go to the piano.

It lights up above the keys to reveal notes written in Russian.

Play MN, PE, CN, AO and the top PE opens the door to the secret bunker.

The keyboard

CoD Black Ops 6 Keyboard

CoD: Black Ops 6.

After going down the stairs and down the corridor on the right, you’ll come across a keypad with a locked door.

This puzzle plays similarly to the hugely popular word game Wordle.

Guess the numbers in the correct order to open the door. You can turn on the Black Light on the keypad to see what numbers have already been pressed.

No two codes are identical and there may be multiple codes of the same number within each code.


Next is a computer locked with a cipher that is extremely easy to solve.

Each number represents a letter that spells a word. Enter the code word to unlock your computer.

The door lock

After cracking the code, you’ll come across a locked door.

Unlocking involves a very simple mini-game that requires you to move the pick to its sweet spot. The lock will glow white when the correct position has been reached.

Repeat the process three times to gain access to the room.


The next one involves tuning a radio to get information to unlock the safe.

Match the waves using the two buttons to activate the message to be played.

Each message is completely different. The voice mentions four objects in the room. Use the black light on each to reveal a number. All four numbers combined is what you need to unlock the vault.

The safe

After completing all the puzzles above, it’s finally time to open the vault.

Go upstairs to the bedroom and interact with the safe using the four numbers found via the radio message.

Enter the numbers and watch the door open!

Inside the safe is the Knife Case Cracker weapon blueprint that can be used in Multiplayer, along with $1,000 in cash that you can use to upgrade different parts of the Safe House.

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