
Sunderland couple jailed for attacking man with crutches

Sunderland couple jailed for attacking man with crutches

Two men who left a man bruised and bloodied when they beat him with a crutch have been jailed.

Kyle Thompson, 29, and Ryan Wilson, 33, attacked their victim at his home in Sunderland in May, Newcastle Crown Court heard.

Both admitted wounding without intent and were jailed for a year.

Thompson was also jailed for a further 10 months for dangerous driving after he crashed following a high-speed police chase through residential streets.

The court heard that the victim of the assault did not want to press charges, but the beating was reported to the police after his colleague saw him with extensive bruising and bleeding on his face.

A trail of CCTV footage revealed the pair entered the man’s home and police concluded a crutch was used in the attack, prosecutors said.

Thompson was out on bond at the time of the police pursuit, which took place on April 4.

He was driving a Vauxhall Corsa and fled when a police car pulled up behind him on Ryhope Road in Sunderland at around 11.30pm BST, the court heard.

He reached speeds of up to 70mph in 30mph zones, flew through red lights, drove on the opposite side of the road and swerved around roundabouts the wrong way before crashing into a van parked on Hunter Street.

He was arrested in the driver’s seat and a roadside test showed he had cocaine and cannabis in his system, but Thompson refused to give a blood test at the police station because he claimed he was afraid of needles, prosecutors said .

Thompson, who also admitted failing to provide a specimen and driving without a license or insurance, was banned from driving for two years and 11 months and must take an extended test.