
RI airport leaders have decided to sack union president TF Green

RI airport leaders have decided to sack union president TF Green

Ahmad and other RIAC officials also vowed to investigate and possibly prosecute those interfering with airport business after they say an employee rumored to be out since Aug. 13 has cost the airport hundreds thousands of dollars, just to have outside contractors on hand the day the employees stopped working.

Parent, president of Local Council 2873 94, the union representing about 113 employees, told the Globe that he became aware of his potential termination only after RIAC released a statement to reporters.

“The allegations are false and obviously I will fight vigorously…” said Parent, who was recently re-elected union president.

He declined to comment further ahead of a hearing on the matter, scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.

In a statement, RIAC alleged that Parent “repeatedly contacted potential candidates for employment at RIAC and discouraged them from working at the airport.”

Those actions would put the department at risk of failing to meet federal safety requirements, the statement said, adding that those contacted by Parent “came to put their behavior in writing.”

RIAC officials also alleged that Parent admitted to calling potential employees.

“RIAC believes that, as an officer of the department, he knowingly and willfully engaged in efforts to sabotage airport operations and breached his fiduciary responsibility,” the statement said. “As an officer of the department, his actions constitute serious misconduct.”

During that time, Parent earned more than $52,000 in overtime — money he collected as a result of filling shifts left vacant by vacancies in the department, according to officials.

“As a lieutenant, he had direct influence over the scheduling of overtime and was therefore able to direct these shifts and related payments to himself,” the statement said. “Furthermore, Mr. Parent recently informed his superiors that he conducted this activity in his ‘personal capacity’ and not as union president.”

According to union members, however, when vacant shifts need to be filled, overtime within the department is assigned on a rotating basis, and shifts are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Supervisors — including lieutenants — assign shifts and adhere to that system, members said.

The parent’s potential termination is the latest crisis between RIAC management and TF Green’s workforce.

Allegations about the airport’s work environment were included in several anonymous letters sent to the media, public officials, airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration this summer that said employees would walk off the job on Aug. 13 unless -would take no action to resolve these issues. that Warwick Lighthouse first reported in August.

In the end, no workers walked out, and Parent said he was unaware that any union members were responsible for the letters. The parent also pointed to a clause in the union’s contract that prohibits union members from stopping work.

Brittany Morgan, who heads RIAC’s legal affairs and human resources, said earlier this month RIAC had hired a law firm to find out who was behind the letters and possibly file lawsuits against “those who wrongfully interfere with our business relationships”.

Last month, the union also voted to reject a new three-year contract with RIAC after the proposal would have removed grievance rights for when job descriptions are changed.

Christopher Gavin can be reached at [email protected].