
Bail set at $200,000 for woman accused of beating 4-year-old child with pot, causing severe bruising, in Chehalis

Bail set at 0,000 for woman accused of beating 4-year-old child with pot, causing severe bruising, in Chehalis

Oct. 29 — A woman accused of hitting a 4-year-old child with a plastic pot in Chehalis, causing severe bruising, was arrested Friday on assault charges.

Bail is set at $200,000.

The incident was reported to Child Protective Services on Monday, Oct. 21, after the victim returned home from a visit with 30-year-old Nicole Rose Christie at a residence in Chehalis, according to court documents.

The child’s stepmother reported receiving a call from Christie in which Christie allegedly said “he grabbed a shoe and hit (the victim) with it six times,” according to court documents.

Child Protective Services referred the case to the Chehalis Police Department on October 22nd. In the referral, a Child Protective Services agent “reported softball size bruises on both (lower) cheeks,” according to court documents.

Photos of the child’s injuries taken Oct. 24 show “dark purple bruising on both cheeks, consistent with being struck with a solid object,” according to court documents.

When questioned by an officer on Oct. 25, Christie allegedly “confirmed that she hit (the victim) with a pot and offered (the officer) the pot that was used,” according to court documents.

Christie was arrested and booked into the Lewis County Jail at 9:20 a.m. on Oct. 25, according to jail records, and was charged Monday, Oct. 28, with one count of second-degree assault on a child, domestic violence.

The charge is a Class B felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Bail was set at $100,000 over the weekend. Lewis County Superior Court Judge Joely Yeager raised bail to $200,000 on Monday.

“The state is incredibly concerned about the facts of this case. The bruising on this child was significant and severe,” Assistant District Attorney Brandi Archer said during Christie’s preliminary hearing Monday, where she asked the court to maintain the $100,000 bond set for the weekend.

Defense attorney Rachael Tiller asked the court to allow Christie’s release on unsecured bail, citing family support in the courtroom, conditions of release that prohibit Christie from contacting the victim during the case, Christie’s stable employment as a caregiver and Christie’s lack of of criminal antecedents as grounds for release.

“I understand that Ms. Christie has no criminal record, but we have reviewed the footage from this case. They are appalling… It is extremely concerning,” Yeager said Monday, adding that he had significant concerns about the safety of the community, particularly if Christie was working as a caretaker.

“I’m very concerned that she’s in the community,” Yeager said Monday.

Christie’s release conditions include a provision barring her from working as a paid carer for either adults or children.

A no-contact order is in effect protecting the victim.

Arraignment is scheduled for Thursday, October 31.