
Illinois has an elevated fire risk for the next two days, how to stay safe

Illinois has an elevated fire risk for the next two days, how to stay safe

Strong winds and dry conditions have all of Illinois under a high fire risk.

Wind gusts Tuesday were between 40 and 45 miles per hour in central Illinois.

It’s important to keep some safety tips in mind over the next couple of days.

Clayton Kuetemeyer, deputy director of emergency management for the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security, warns that these strong winds can affect your driving and that it’s important to take extra care around larger vehicles like semis -trailers, buses and RVs.

You also have to watch out for dust storms.

“In Illinois we’ve had some challenges and unfortunately some fatal problems with dust storms on the highways over the last couple of years. So if you’re driving and see an area with heavy dust, don’t drive into it. Make sure your lights are on, find a safe place to stop and either go around an area that has limited visibility or wait for it to pass,” Kuetemeyer said.

He also said he was looking for flying debris. It is important to tie down all items in the yard, such as lawn furniture, umbrellas and trampolines.

He added that it’s important not to burn anything at this point because of how dry it was, and to be careful when disposing of cigarettes.

For more resources on how to stay safe, visit