
Gayle Manchin Announces ARC Grants in Beckley

Gayle Manchin Announces ARC Grants in Beckley

BECKLEY, W.Va. (WVVA) – Southern West Virginia will receive a thirty-three point five million dollar grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) to help with disaster recovery, cybersecurity training and industry expansion.

ARC Director Gayle Manchin, who made the announcement Tuesday at The Tamarack, said it is the largest award to date for the Appalachian Regional Stronger Economies Initiative, which brings together one hundred and forty-five partners from across thirteen Appalachian states.

Of that thirty-three point five million dollars, a ten million dollar grant will build a multi-state home repair and disaster response and recovery network that is critical to current and future recovery from damage of storms.

“It makes sure we have everyone involved that we need to involve. At the community level, you need your elected officials, you need your educational community, all knowing that it takes working together to make something good happen,” Manchin said.

With support from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, ARC has now invested one hundred twenty-one point eight million dollars in 46 “ARISE” projects. It supports the development of new economic opportunities in all thirteen Appalachian states.