
Halloween Safety Tips from Macaroni Kid Roanoke

Halloween Safety Tips from Macaroni Kid Roanoke

ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ) – Whether it’s chocolate candy, fruit candy, or a mix of both, costumed kids are ready for their treats.

But before you go trolling for candy, there are a few safety tips to keep in mind.

“It’s not like the old folklore stuff we used to fear as kids, razors in apples. It’s not like that at all..From what I’ve read, some of the subject safety issues have to do with food allergies. There are so many more now,” he says Macaroni Kid Roanoke Editor Beth Bell.

Macaroni Kid Roanoke editor Beth Bell suggests parents check their child’s candy bag for potential allergens.

Another concern is traffic.

“Make sure you are with your child. If you’re going traditional trick-or-treating, the streets don’t close, so follow the typical safety and pedestrian advice,” says Bell.

Reflective gear is a good idea.

As for those costumes that are popular this year, Bell says to be cautious.

“If you think about it, sports mascots always have a helper, and the reason is that they can’t see very well. They don’t have peripheral vision and stuff like that. So make sure that if your child has one of those crazy fun costumes, you’re their escort the whole way through,” says Bell.

A great speaker, How old is too old for trick-or-treating?

Macaroni Kid conducted a nationwide survey.

“90% of Instagram users say there is no age limit for trick-or-treating for kids. I think we have to grow up too fast, and I think there are so many things that aren’t fun, as a middle school and high school age kid, it’s like, why not let them have fun?”’ Bell says.

Bell says teens should make sure their costumes aren’t too scary and gory so they don’t scare off young trick-or-treaters.

Also, for those handing out candy, don’t limit yourself to just handing out candy.

Bell says fruit snacks are great for any age, along with crayons and stickers.

Click on this link for more fun Halloween events and ideas.