
Wellness Wednesday: Boxing and kickboxing

Wellness Wednesday: Boxing and kickboxing

PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WMBB) – News 13 brings you a segment focused on health and fitness on News 13 Midday every Wednesday called “Wellness Wednesday.”

This week, Jesse Nelson, a trainer from Pure platinum was in the studio with News 13’s Chris Marchand to demonstrate boxing and kickboxing, especially moves that can be done at home.

“I think kickboxing is a very simple, basic cardio workout that people can do at home,” Nelson said.

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Nelson said to start with a nice, relaxed position when starting kickboxing. He also said that your dominant side will be behind you, while your faster side will be in front of you.

“You want to have a basic stance, basically shoulder-width apart,” Nelson said. “Hands up and then your 1, 2 combo.”

You don’t need a punching bag, you can shadow box.

Nelson to add the kickboxing element, you can do a front kick, step forward, then jab cross.

Watch the interview above to see more demos.

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