
Creator of Linux Trashes AI Hype

Creator of Linux Trashes AI Hype

Bash AI

Is AI all it’s cracked up to be? No, according to Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux and its main spokesperson: in his opinion, the technology is “90% marketing and ten% reality”. You have

Torvalds had some harsh things to say about the AI ​​industry during a interview with TFiR at the Open Source Summit in Vienna last month — which shouldn’t be surprising, since the Finnish programmer is famous for his fiery invectives and chewing up poor developers which does not live up to his high standards.

That being said, he is a reformed man now and he was a little more measured than his old self would have been.

“I think AI is really interesting and I think it’s going to change the world,” Torvalds said in one part of the interview which recently went viral. “And at the same time, I hate the hype cycle so much that I really don’t want to go there.”

“So my approach to AI right now is that I’m going to ignore it,” he continued, “because I think the whole tech industry around AI is in a really bad position and it’s 90% marketing and 10% reality.” .

Give a tux

The benevolent dictator for life he spoke We’re sure his comments won’t go unnoticed by some in the tech industry as most of their data centers run on Linux.

But according to Torvalds, the best may yet be yet to come for AI, with the next few years being a crucial test.

“In five years, things will change, and at that point we’ll see what AI is used every day for real work tasks instead of just ChatGPT,” he said in the interview, before launching into a tangent about the chatbot.

Torvalds seems unconvinced by the current slew of big language models like OpenAI, which he says – with something between a smile and a grimace on his face before rubbing his forehead – “makes great demos”.

“It’s obviously used … in many, many areas,” he added. “But I really hate the hype cycle.”

The Core of Truth

Artificial intelligence advocates might say that Torvalds’ prospect of ignoring the industry for now is a bit off-putting. But they should count themselves lucky that Torvalds took it easy. His sentiment is more than reasonable, after all.

For everything billions of dollars being invested in technology—which is hollowing out other industries under the premise that it is already reliable and transformative—a clear path to AI payback has not yet opened.

It doesn’t help that some of the most prominent AI models often act as their own worst enemy. Everything from chatbots to integrated forms like Google Search AI overview still suffering from frequent hallucinations.

In short, it’s hard to deny that as good as the AI ​​is, it doesn’t live up to its wildly widespread — and annoying — hype.

More on AI: AI model used by hospitals caught making up patient details, inventing non-existent drugs and sex acts