
Telford drug driver who ‘didn’t realize he had cocaine in his system the next day’ has been handed a lengthy ban

Telford drug driver who ‘didn’t realize he had cocaine in his system the next day’ has been handed a lengthy ban

Mark Peter Thomas, 51, of Southgate, Sutton Hill, Telfordadmitted driving with a level of 143 of the cocaine derivative BZE in his system when the limit is 50.

Thomas had been stopped while driving an Iveco van in Castlefields Way, Telford, on August 21.

Telford Magistrates’ Court heard from a probation officer on Tuesday (October 29) who said Thomas, who pleaded guilty on the first occasion, had been out the night before he was stopped.

Thomas had used cocaine as a “one off” while out with friends.

“He didn’t feel impaired and didn’t realize it would still be in his system,” he told the court.

The court was also told that Thomas, who fits carpets on construction sites, failed to provide a sample for a mandatory blood test on August 11, 2024. He also pleaded guilty to that charge.

Magistrates heard that Thomas had a problem with a neighbor who said he had been drink-driving when he had not.

“He thought he could refuse to take a mandatory test when he couldn’t,” the court heard.

Thomas had accepted that he did not provide because he thought he might refuse to take it.

Prosecutor Kate Price said magistrates must issue a mandatory driving ban of at least 36 months.

She said the failure to provide offense aggravates the offence.

Mike Surzyn, of WMB Lawdefending, told the court that Thomas should receive credit for his early guilty plea.

Magistrates handed down a 12-month community order with 80 hours of unpaid work to be completed during that time.

Thomas was also ordered to pay prosecution costs of £170 and a victim surcharge of £114.

They also banned him from driving for 40 months after taking the two offenses into account.

But they did not apply any separate penalty for not providing a specimen.

Thomas was warned not to drive until he had his driving license in his hands from the DVLA.