
POLL! Which of these respectable names would you bestow on Cal Poly Humboldt’s new maritime research vessel? | POLE | Lost Coast Outpost

POLL! Which of these respectable names would you bestow on Cal Poly Humboldt’s new maritime research vessel? | POLE | Lost Coast Outpost

Today @ 16:20 / Pollz

POLL! Which of these respectable names would you bestow on Cal Poly Humboldt’s new maritime research vessel?

Name this boat. But wait! There is a catch.

Local occupations can remember earlier this year when Cal Poly Humboldt announced will soon be the proud owner of a new $7.9 million ocean research vessel to replace the R/V Coral Sea. (We are just burning those 458 million dollarsisn’t it?)

Well, Cal Poly Humboldt’s purchase of its 78-foot catamaran will come before we know it, but while we wait: What should we call this thing? CPH recruited us all to help him decide! The university is currently running a poll inviting local boat naming enthusiasts to choose a name for their new cruiser, which you can access here. (Be quick! The deadline is Friday, November 1.)

Now, in a move that can be assumed to be an easy attempt to counter any “Boaty McBoatface“-type fun — Jah forbid! — The ever-so-serious Humboldt Institute of Higher Education has provided us with a list of potential names for their new toy, which we’ve listed in our poll below. We must warn you: the names are not fun by any means. But! If you access the CPH website to record a vote that might actually count for somethingis also possible to suggest a nameprovided it is in accordance with their guidelines.

Either way, you can show your approval of Cal Poly Humboldt’s preselected names by voting in our poll below.

(Note: LoCo we may have entered a slightly playful name into our survey options that Cal Poly Humboldt it is completely free to use if he wanted to. *wink*)

175 votes cast.

Poll closes: tomorrow at 16:20

* – that’s ours. take it?