
19-year-old charged in connection with 15-acre fire near Holden

19-year-old charged in connection with 15-acre fire near Holden

HOLDEN, Mo. (KCTV) – A 19-year-old man has been charged in connection with a fire that destroyed 15 acres of a hay field near Holden and barely spared nearby homes and businesses.

Documents submitted to Johnson County, Missouri, Circuit Court on Tuesday, Oct. 29, indicates Hunter A. Hilker, 19, of Holden, has been charged in connection with a 15-acre fire. He was charged with knowingly burning or exploding and armed criminal action.

The Holden Police Department said Monday, Oct. 28, law enforcement officers were on patrol in the area of ​​E. 14th and S. Main Sts. when they saw Hilker coming out of a hayfield.

Law enforcement officials said they saw Hilker start a fire near the end of the field before he ran south behind homes near S. Vine and 14th Sts. They lost sight of him, but spotted him again seconds later as he ran down the middle of the pitch. road.

Investigators noted that Hilker was arrested and taken into custody. Meanwhile, first responders tried to contain the fire as nearby homes were evacuated. About 15 areas of the field and a group of trees were lost in the fire. Homes and businesses on the north side of the fire were barely spared. Consequently, no injuries were reported.

As of Thursday, Oct. 31, Hilker remains behind bars in Johnson County with no bond listed. A status hearing has been set for Wednesday, November 6 at 1:30 p.m. No other information has been released.

Hilker the Hunter
Hilker the Hunter(Johnson County, Missouri, Detention Center)