
2024 Voter’s Guide: Meet the Candidates for District 5 Board of Education – Washington Daily News

2024 Voter’s Guide: Meet the Candidates for District 5 Board of Education – Washington Daily News

Voter’s Guide 2024: Meet the candidates for District 5 Board of Education

Posted at 8:00 AM on Friday, October 25, 2024

F. Mac Hodges

Residence: Washington

Highest level of education: 14 Graduated from Pitt Community College

Occupation: Field Representative, NC Farm Bureau Federation, Funeral Director, Paul Funeral Home

Political Affiliation: Democrat

Personal statement:

I have been a member of the Beaufort County Board of Education since 1984. During my 40 years of service, I have worked with students, teachers, administrators, parents, community members and business partners to ensure that all students have access to a quality education. I have been a strong advocate for Beaufort County students to be prepared for post-secondary experiences, whether it is employment, enlistment in the armed services, or enrollment in trade school or college. Helped secure $42 million in need-based public school capital funding to build Washington Elementary, a pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade school that will open in August 2026. Advocated for the 1.2 million Golden Leaf grant that established a boat building pathway at Washington High School that is embedded in the career and technical education program. When the COVID pandemic led to the closure of public schools in Beaufort County and North Carolina, we advocated on behalf of the community to open schools and return students to classrooms. We have worked closely with teachers and administrators to provide the necessary resources to close the achievement gaps created by the COVID pandemic. As a result, nine out of 12 schools measured by the SY24 NC Accountability Model increased their school performance scores, 100% of elementary schools increased their school performance scores, nine out of 12 schools met or exceeded the increase, two schools advanced from low performing designation. were eliminated. Beyond our county, I serve as Vice President on the Board of Directors for the North Carolina School Boards Association, where I assist in the development of programs that support up to 115 North Carolina public schools, including Beaufort County Schools. Locally, I serve as a field representative for the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation. I would appreciate your vote so that I can continue this most valuable work of providing a strong, quality education for the children of Beaufort County.

Stacey Davis

Residence: Washington

Highest level of education: Bs. c.

Occupation: Specialist in public relations and marketing

Political Affiliation: Republican

Personal statement:

My platform is built on the principles of moral values, integrity and dedication, creating a conducive learning environment for all students. I firmly believe that our curricula have become a battleground, infiltrated by divisive agendas. I will defend our educators as much as our students against ridiculous theories that stray from academics. I aim to bring back the focus on fundamental education that allows children to be children at every stage of development.

I bring back to our schools a unique skill set for transparency, parent outreach and renewed brand value. My involvement in various boards and teams such as NC Pre-k, PTO’s, AmeriCorp, Jaycees, CoC’s, CHK, Tedi-Bear Advocacy and NC Foster Care programs demonstrate a dedication to community service and my ability to drive positive change .

My educational background includes certifications in teaching, real estate, trauma-based care, CNA, and more in technology, digital marketing, and sales. Also a BSc in Public Relations.