
London Journal: Buying a national sport

London Journal: Buying a national sport

From a nation of merchants to a nation of buyers? Well, that’s how criminologists see the UK modern – an increasingly dishonest society, where people are more willing to ever deceive and commit fraud.

According to a study by David Shepherd, a criminal at the University of Portsmouth, “Shoplifting has become almost a national sport.”

Highlighting the increasing tolerance for “daily economic crime”, says the study, “what the research shows is that there has been a decrease in honesty and that it is associated with young people.”

There is a new deadline, invented by Professor Emmeline Taylor of the University of London, to describe the white collar stores: “Swiper”. It represents “seemingly well -intentioned patrons that engage in ordinary shopping.”

The practice seems to grow alongside a change in social attitudes. “The theft of the store was a kind of crime. Now you have people joking about the latest thing they stole – as they “accidentally” a bottle of prosecco by disguising as a lot of bananas, “Taylor said.

The supermarket could only be the tip of the iceberg. It is said that the growth of social networks and unpleasant behavior from public persons, including politicians, have played a role in this change. “We have young people exposed to attitudes and behaviors that normalize daily dishonesty and everyday deception,” said the study.

So far, the older generation seems to have treated the trend. But for how long?

Patriotism wrapped in racism

Despite the vast improvement of race relationships in the UK in recent years, about 48 % of young British still believe that “as a nation we are racists”, compared to 36 % who do not. This, according to a new poll, which also revealed that only 41 percent of 18 to 27 said they were proud to be British-dropped from 80 % in 2004.

Their argument: the problem of patriotism is concluded with racism. “Why would I help you, if you do not want to really help me and half of the time you want to get rid of me,” said a young immigrant who alludes to intimidating the “strangers” to whom they are constantly told “to go at home ”