
Nigerian military jet kills 6 civilians in another case of “accidental” air attack

Nigerian military jet kills 6 civilians in another case of “accidental” air attack

Nigerian military jet kills 6 civilians in another case of “accidental” air attack | FirstPost Africa | N18g

It seems that Nigerian armed forces have made an ordinary adventure to bomb innocent civilians in their fight against terrorism. Last, a plane of the Nigerian army killed “wrong” at least 6 civilians in a bombing. The military jet followed a group of bandits in the state of Katsina, who attacked a police base and killed two policemen and a vigilant. Amnesty International has placed the number of victims in the air attack at 10. Nigeria is known to perform “accidental” air attacks while fighting criminal gangs. Since 2017, it seems that about 400 civilians have been killed in “accidental” air attacks. Despite the fact that the military reassures that they have taken the necessary measures to reduce the accidents, they continued. Watch the video to find out more.

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