
Sunny Stourbridge Street Stall says no privatization of leisure centers

Sunny Stourbridge Street Stall says no privatization of leisure centers

The campaigns presented in effect on a sunny Saturday morning at Stourbridge to raise awareness of the council, Monday, March 3, at Dudley Council House, before a crunch vote to keep the leisure centers open and public. They were supported by local work counselors, including counselors Cat Eccles, Jason Griffin, Cathy Bayton and Ellen Cobb, and independent councilor Andrew Tromans.

Of contributor Hugh Wilkinson

CLLR Andrew Tromans joined the campaigns this sunny Saturday morning
CLLR Andrew Tromans joined the campaigns this sunny Saturday morning

Councilor Ellen Cobb said: “Privatization could lead to higher prices for customers and a reduction in salaries and conditions for staff. We want to protect the benefits of these services for everyone and I am happy to support the street stand. “

Councilor Andrew Tromomans said: “It is clear that the leisure center is in the center of Stourbridge. It is vital to keep these services in public hands for the benefit of the whole community. “

Due to the petition of 5,000 signatures, the campaign will approach on Monday, March 3.

CLLR and MP Cat Eccles and CLLR Jason Griffin joined the campaigns before the hall on March 3
CLLR and MP Cat Eccles and CLLR Jason Griffin joined the campaigns before the hall on March 3

A hall of the Council will take place before the meeting to support the petition and motion on March 3, at 17.15, Dudley Council House.

CLLRS Cathy Bayton, Ellen Cobb and Andrew Tromans and have joined forces with campaigns to raise awareness of the privatization plans for the leisure centers and the hall on March 3.
CLLRS Cathy Bayton, Ellen Cobb and Andrew Tromans and have joined forces with campaigns to raise awareness of the privatization plans for the leisure centers and the hall on March 3.