
Jon Stewart’s heated monologue over Doge, prescription drugs end in a bloody accident

Jon Stewart’s heated monologue over Doge, prescription drugs end in a bloody accident

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Credit: YouTube

As the Elon Musk’s Government’s efficiency department (DOGE) frames for Another round of half -cooked government budgetary discountsJon Stewart took it to Daily show Office to deliver a passionate – and bloody – against the billionaire and the Trump administration.

Stewart criticized Musk and President Donald Trump Systemic archiving by tens of thousands of federal workers from nearly a dozen agents, with little attention to living, service or value for the public.

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“What do you say to take only $ 3 billion in subsidies we give to oil and gas companies that have already transformed billions of profits?” The late night host offered a plea for the reason. “What would we be to close only one interest rails on speculative funds worth $ 1.3 billion a year? Oh, what do you say to stop the 2 trillion dollars that I gave to the defense contractors to build a fighter jet, when everyone knows that the next war will be fought with Drone and Blockchain, whatever it is, Holy shit! “

Former President’s Administration Joe Biden was not exempted from Flak and has been mocked for their holidays Lowering price of 10 prescription drugs. “Ten are all, right? Pentru că ar fi jenant dacă ar fi o mică scădere în găleată și că poporul american nu se aștepta să negociem pentru toate drogurile lor nenorocite, deoarece am plătit deja pentru subvențiile noastre ”, a declarat Stewart înainte de a zdrobi O cană „Cel mai mare Father in the world “to pieces while shouting” Come on, further! “

“I’ll go to the hospital soon,” he laughed, hiding his hand under the desk. Daily show The host continued to break down Musk’s wrong attack on government spending. “We live up,” said Stewart, as he noticed that the fault did not fall only on corporations. “They are looking for profit, psychopaths who need the lowest salaries and the cheapest raw materials to lead their highest profits,” he said. “But why do we, taxpayers, subsidize their psychopathy? This is waste, fraud and abuse of our system. “

Stewart gave up: “That’s what we should go after, not fantastic, too generous Terrorist condom allowances. “Before wrapping the night monologue, he quickly checked his hand, revealing his fingers covered with a bloody cloth. “It’s okay!” He assured the public.

The tensions escalated between federal workers and Trump administration, because Musk led to the federal government’s behavior under the pretext of rooting fraud and financial waste, fired government employees everywhere. Veterans business at the Forest Service to the Federal Aviation Administration.

Musk and his team closed at the Department for Housing and Urban Development, where massive discounts are expected. The Washington Post They reported that current employees and former entrepreneurs and housing experts say that these changes will probably disrupt the home market, which makes homes less accessible to Americans and give up mortgage transactions.

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