
Martha Thomas from Scotland dreams of the journey from “nobody” to major finals

Martha Thomas from Scotland dreams of the journey from “nobody” to major finals

Thomas spent most of his childhood growing up in South Florida, the daughter of a Scottish mother and the English father, but was in France when she started believing she could have a football career.

” I saw the opportunity to play while he was paid, climbed from there and I liked it absolutely, she said. “I was that, I have to do this to live!

“I started playing and I started to really enjoy myself and then I was raised by West Ham. Going on one of the top Legias of England in Division 2 in France was a huge leap but was one for which I have was very excited.

International football thoughts were still far away.

“I had very low expectations for myself and I just wanted to settle,” she admitted. ” I was nobody in a way.

“I didn’t play for a national team – I came from America. No one really knew who I am. I just wanted to enjoy and see where he took me.”

It was observed by Scotland’s head coach, Shelley Kerr.

“I played for the team under 23 years old, but when Shelley called me, I had just lacking that 2019 World Cup window,” Thomas explained.

“I think I was at the first camp immediately after that World Cup and, after that, it was not a kind of look behind and it didn’t seem like a decision for me.”

Thomas scored twice at her debut in a 3-0 victory over Ukraine in March 2020 and continued to score 21 goals in 42 appearances for Scotland.

She moved from West Ham to Manchester United and then started at Tottenham Hotspur, lifting runners with the last two.

However, qualifying for the final of an important tournament with Scotland would be a high level of career.

“I would be 29 or 30 years old at that time and this would be the peak of my career if we could get there – and it is certainly what I hope this team can do and strive to”, “she said.

A successful campaign of the League of Nations Nations would help this ambition and the part currently led by the main interim coach, Michael McADLE, are already against it after losing their opening in Austria, before hosting the Netherlands on Tuesday.

“It helps you to have a better chance to qualify if you stay in League A in the first positions – it makes this way better for qualification,” Thomas added.

“It’s what we want. We want to play these top teams and prove ourselves.”