
Judge Vernon finds the man who is not guilty of sexually touching grandchildren – Vernon News

Judge Vernon finds the man who is not guilty of sexually touching grandchildren – Vernon News

Grandpa did not find guilty

A man accused of sexually touching both his minor biological nephew and the stepmother was found guilty at the Supreme Court Vernon.

The judicial documents do not identify anyone involved in this case, which is typical to protect the identity of the minors involved.

In a The decision of the Supreme Court BC Retounded on February 13 in Vernon, the accused was found unhappy that he had sexually reached his nephew, a person under 16 and the voyeurism of the same child.

He was also found, he was not understood that he had sexually touching his stepmother, who was under 16 years old.

The judicial documents describe the accused who has a close relationship with his child and, therefore, his grandchildren. Both plaintiffs spent at least one night at the man’s house, the biological nephew spent many more nights than their step -brother.

Both children were 13 years old when they entered their testimonies about the accused and both claimed to be younger when sexual touch took place. The stepfather said they had a seven -year -old child when the incident happened, and the biological child said they had a seven -year -old when the touch began.

The biological nephew also argued that his grandfather used a ladder to follow them by showering through the bathroom window, which the accused denied him trying to repair the window.

Judge Elizabeth McDonald had concerns about the complaints’ testimonies, namely new information that appears in the court.

In her decision, McDonald said that she accepts that both plaintiffs are sincere in their belief that the events took place, but this is not a basis to accept, beyond reasonable doubt that the events have taken place.