
My fatigue was blamed for “hay fever” – then I collapsed and almost died after I received “true diagnosis”

My fatigue was blamed for “hay fever” – then I collapsed and almost died after I received “true diagnosis”

When Ben Parker began to feel tired, his doctor told him he was “seasonal allergies”.

It was April 2018 and the first time for hay fever.

The man suffering from dialysis at home.


When Ben Parker began to feel tired, his GP told him to be seasonal allergiesCredit: Swns
A man who was at home dialysis in his converted bedroom.


But tests revealed to have a rare autoimmune disease – complement 3 glomerulopathy (C3G)Credit: Swns

But when his symptoms failed to get rid of it, he returned to the doctor and gave him a diagnosis that changes in life in July 2018.

The 42 -year -old father was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease that affects the kidneys.

Called glomerulopathy complement 3 (C3G), the disorder of the immune system prevents the kidneys from filtering the blood correctly, which causes Severe damage to the kidneys in time and affects only one in 500,000 people in the UK.

Losing renal function can lead to all kinds of problems, such as hypertension, recurrent infections, fatigue, gout, and a tuning of body fluids.

Read more about rare diseases

In a afternoon, Ben took his daughter alone and suddenly suffered a seizure due to the accumulation of liquid on his brain.

His partner Sam Parker, 39 years old, a teacher, said: “He was lucky foreigners.

“If he had stayed at home, he would probably have died.”

The moment he began his symptoms, Ben had just turned from a holiday Australia.

Ben, year Nhs Assistant BarnsleySouth Yorks, said, “I felt very tired and lethargic.

“I went to see you Gp Who initially said that there are seasonal allergies. ”

The girl, 5 years old, receives a life rescue transplant due to the “guardian angel” who agreed to change her kidney

Other tests revealed that his kidneys were working only at about 15-20 %.

Ben managed to have a kidney transplant six years ago, but now it has been damaged again and returned to dialysis.

Now he has opted for dialysis at home-but he must currently use Aveline’s room, seven, for treatment.

The family is fundraising to turn its garage into a treatment room.

Sam said, “Our daughter does not have a bedroom now, she cannot reach any of her things.

When his health deteriorates, he does not have the energy to play (his daughter). It cannot go swimming because it has a catheter line.

Sam ParkerBen’s partner

“I think he would like to return to the way he was, he often talks when the car is moved.”

After a year of travel to the hospital for dialysis, Ben received the call that he was approved for a kidney transplant in April 2019.

He said, “I came home from work and received a call saying that I had to come to the hospital immediately, it was the most stressful leadership I had.

“It was a fatty hour and we had to get there as soon as possible.

“You just have to give up everything and leave.”

Photo of a family: a father, mother and young daughter.


Ben managed to have a kidney transplant six years ago but now damaged again and returned to dialysisCredit: Swns
Dialysis equipment at home arranged in a child's bedroom.


He has now opted for home dialysis-but currently has to use Aveline’s room, seven years old, for treatmentCredit: Swns
A father, mother and daughter smiling for a photo.


Family raises funds to turn their garage into a treatment roomCredit: Swns

Transplantation gave it to Ben four years old health But by the end of 2023, his health began to deteriorate again and faced the reality of returning to a life on dialysis.

When he asked for financing to turn the garage into a treatment room, Ben is said he did not meet the criteria.

Sam said, “We have a letter that says we do not receive any funding, because we already have a room that we can use.

“I was like, yes, but it is our daughter’s bedroom – that was a temporary solution.”

Ben’s daughter now needs sleep In her parent’s bedroom when she uses the dialysis car late in the evening.

Since then the couple has launched a GoFundme The page that gathered over 6,500 pounds.

Sam said: “He reached the point where we thought, we don’t wait anymore, that could take months.

“The page was really successful, it was just triggered, we have enough money To make the construction now ”.

Ben’s daughter was only nine months old when she was diagnosed for the first time, and he says that his health prevented him from spending time with her in the way he had hoped.

Sam said, “After having biopsies, Ben was not allowed to make a heavy lifting, so he couldn’t even pick it for six weeks, he didn’t understand why he couldn’t pick her up.

“This has obviously led to difficulty at home, because I had to feed her and be there all the time to do everything for her, because he could not pick her up.

“Also, when his health deteriorates, he does not have energy to play with her. Cannot go swimming Because he has a catheter line. “

Those who want to donate to Ben and Samantha’s fundraising can do this clicking here.

What are the signs and symptoms of C3G?

Complement 3 glomerulopathy (C3G) is a rare renal disease caused by a hyperactive or defective complement system.

The complement system is part of the body’s immune system that helps to combat infections.

According to the National Kidney Foundation. The usual signs and symptoms are:

  • Blood in the urine (hematuria)
  • Excess protein in urine (proteinuria)
  • Reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR; reduced kidney ability to filter blood and do urine), increased creatinine
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling (edema) of hands, feet, ankles

Talk to your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.