
Driver in Crash Deadly accused of crime

Driver in Crash Deadly accused of crime

A man from the green country says that his life was turned upside down, since his wife was killed in an accident last fall.

Daniel Ferguson says that his misery was amplified, finding that the driver who caused the accident is accused of a crime.

A love that started in their adolescence

Daniel and Sarah Fergerson met when they were teenagers, and from the beginning, Daniel knew it was the one.

“I knew it was my wife, since then,” says Daniel Fergerson, Sarah’s husband.

A tragic accident

On September 7, the couple took Fergurson’s motorcycle to take coffee and head home. Daniel was waiting to turn left – this is the last thing he remembers.

“The next thing I know, I wake up on the concrete and work on my wife and I think, it’s good, it works on it, it will be fine,” says Fergurson.

Daniel suffered a broken back, broken ribs and an emotion. While in the emergency room, an officer was close to him with devastating news.

“He comes to me and says,” Your wife has died, “the world has returned to me, since then, says Fergurson.

To cope with the loss

Daniel and their children are now trying to adapt to life without Sarah, the woman who was their whole world.

Adding to his heart, Daniel learned that the driver, del wytovak, was only accused of a crime and could probably receive probation.

“I will forgive him as a person, but by law, I think the punishment does not match the crime, in no case,” says Fergurson.

District lawyer statement

The District Prosecutor’s Office has launched a statement on the case:

“The death of Sarah Fergerson is a tragedy and we understand the pain of the loss this family is dealing with. Oklahoma has long had the crime of negligent homicide on his books to address the accusations regarding the negligent operation of a motor vehicle, which leads to the death of a human being. Del Wytovak, the operator of the vehicle that hit Mrs. Fergurson, is accused of committing this crime.

Obviously, it is improper for our office to comment on the facts of this case during the pendant of this accusation. Mr. Wytovak, like any other citizen accused of a crime, is entitled to the presumption of innocence until a judge or a jury establishes otherwise.

We look forward to presenting the facts in this case to the appropriate judicial authority for this final determination. We will continue to meet and discuss this case with Mrs. Fergurson’s family, because this case travels through our judicial system.

It is important to mention that there are occasions when several improper crimes are committed during the operation of a motor vehicle and leading to the death of a human being. These crimes usually involve facts in which the driver was affected or intoxicated or while the police driver. In these cases, we will submit accusations of murder of grade I. “

Details from the statement

The statement states that a car was between Wytovak and Fergersons. When that car was quickly thrown, Wytovak realized too late that the motorcycle was stopped in front of him and could not stop in time.

The police say it drove 10 miles over the speed limit.

Wytovak’s lawyer

I contacted Wytovak’s lawyer, who stated that, after careful examination, they decided not to comment at this time.