
Alabama health leaders Monitoring the measles outbreak after the Texas child dies

Alabama health leaders Monitoring the measles outbreak after the Texas child dies

Birmingham, Ala. (WBRC) – for the first time in 10 years, a child is dead after a measles outbreak in the United States.

Texas officials confirmed on Wednesday the death of an unvaccinated child, because the Alabama Public Health Department continues to monitor this extremely contagious, but preventable disease.

Experts say that measles cases are “rapid growth” in several states. Texas and Georgia reported both cases.

This is the largest outbreak in Texas in almost 30 years, with at least 124 cases in nine counties.

This was a problem for decades ago in Alabama.

Adph reports that in 1964, there were over 18,000 cases in Alabama. 13 Alabamians died.

Note that this was before the measles vaccine vaccine program.

Experts continue to come for its efficiency and ask their parents to keep their children updated on their photos after an alarming tendency to lower the vaccine rates.

“These infections are very dangerous,” said Dr. Wes Stubblefield with ADPH. “The vaccines were well tested overtime. This vaccine has been spread since the 1970s. It is widely available and continues to be widely available, and people really, if they have questions, have to talk to their healthcare provider. They have to ask questions they have in mind and they can answer. “

State Health officer Dr. Scott Harris echo on Wednesday in The following statement:

“Unfortunately, many people have become skeptical of vaccine safety and are reluctant to vaccinate their own children. I urge parents to talk about any concern they have about the measles vaccine with a reliable medical provider. Please consider not only the health of their own children, but also the well -being of other people in your community. Each child under 15 months is vulnerable to measles, as well as people who take immunosuppressive drugs or chemotherapy. Let us all do our side to keep Alabama safe and healthy for everyone, especially for our most vulnerable. “

According to ADPH, most children are vaccinated at 12-15 months, with another vaccine at 4 to 6 years.

Vaccines are available at pediatric offices or county health departments.

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