
Free class in Crane, Mo., aims to keep their children safe by online predators

Free class in Crane, Mo., aims to keep their children safe by online predators

Crane, Mo. (Ky3)-A free class will take place on Thursday night at Crane R-III schools to learn parents essential lessons about online safety and to prevent child trafficking.

There were almost 400 victims of human trafficking in Missouri in 2023, according to the latest report of the trafficking line of national persons.

Russ Tuttle, the founder of the stop traffic project, hosts the class. In it, parents will learn strategies for keeping their children safe using phones, computers and other devices.

Dr. Kelli Rodgers, the superintendent of the R-III Crane schools, is a mother. She believes that she can give a course like this is crucial.

“I know that my own children have mobile phones and I think I protected it,” she said. “I think I protect them, but I do not know between their presence of online games and only other ways in which predators can leak into their lives.”

Pathways Project Coalition of the Ozarks and Helping the hands of stone soup helped bring Tuttle as a speaker.

Helping Hands was founded in Felicia’s memory, a victim of trafficking in people who died in December 2022.

The treasurer of the organization, Margie Williams, says that she is able to bring this class to parents to prevent it from happening with anyone else is the perfect way to continue her legacy.

“Her voice is heard,” said Williams. “Her passion was the victims of human trafficking and protecting children. He had grandchildren and how vulnerable they are, how the predators can slip into their lives. They have no idea why they are capable. “

The class starts at 18:00 and is open to anyone around Ozarks. Care for children and snacks will also be provided.

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