
Male Chippewa extradited from Washington is experiencing charges of first -degree sexual conduct

Male Chippewa extradited from Washington is experiencing charges of first -degree sexual conduct

Chippewa County, Mich. (Wuc) – a man from Chippewa County living in Washington was extradited up and faces five charges of crime for sexually assaulted a woman from Chippewa County in 2016.

Aaron Jarrett, 36 years old, living in Clark County, Washington, was notified on Thursday at the 91 District Court of Sault Marie, after being transported up

Jarrett is accused of sexually assaulted a woman from Chippewa County in May 2016 and was accused by the prosecutor of Chippewa County, later in the same year, with four charges of 1 first degree criminal conduct, a potential sentence and an illegal prison number.

Jarrett was extradited Wednesday in Chippewa County by the US Marshals Service to cope with these charges as a part of The surviving operation justice.

Extraditions through Survivor Justice operation were financed last year by a $ 1 million state loan. The operation is a partnership between the General Department of the General Department of Michigan, the local county prosecutors and the Marshals service in the US for the location, detention and return to the fugitive criminals in Michigan with overdue sexual assault.

“In the six months since I announced the Survivor Justice operation, my office worked with the county prosecutors and the US Marshals Service for the extradition of over a dozen people accused of horrible sexual aggression,” said Nessel. “I remain employed to continue this important work to keep our communities safe and to ensure that those who commit such crimes are held accountable.”

Jarrett’s obligation was set at $ 500,000. He will subsequently appear at the District Court 91 for a probable case conference on March 13, at 9:30 am and a preliminary exam on March 20, at 9:30