
Downloading: Minor celebrity chats and Openai’s latest model

Downloading: Minor celebrity chats and Openai’s latest model

Botify Ai, a site to talk to AI companions, supported by the risk -risk capital company Andreessen Horowitz, hosts robots that resembles real actors asserting under 18 years, engages in sexually uploaded conversations, offers “hot photos” and, in some cases

When Mit Technology Review tested the site this week, we found popular bots created by the user who take minor characters meant to resemble Jenna Ortega as Wednesday, Emma Watson as Hermione Granger and Millie Bobby Brown, among others.

Conversations – together with the fact that Botify you include “Send a hot photo” as a feature for his characters – he suffered that the ability to cause sexually loaded conversations and images is not accidental. Instead, sexually suggestive conversations seem to be ripe. Read the full story.

– James O’Donnell

Openai has just launched GPT-4.5 and says it is the largest and best chat model yet

What is new: Openai has just launched GPT-4.5, a new version of its big language model that he claims is the largest and best model for chatting. The new model, which is already available for subscribers at Chatgpt Pro Tier from Openai, is part of its formation that does not season.

Why does it matter: Openai will not say exactly how big its new model is. But he says that the jump-4o to GPT-4.5 jumps is the same as the GPT-3.5 jump to GPT-4o. Experts have estimated that GPT-4 could have up to 1.8 trillion parameters, values ​​that are modified when a model is trained. Read the full story.

– The revolution Douglas The sky