
Graduates should pay attention to the E -Email of Students who could lead to cash

Graduates should pay attention to the E -Email of Students who could lead to cash

The woman who checks the finances
You can receive an E -mail if you are due to refund(Image: Getty Images/Stockbyte)

Those who graduated from the University of Li were due to a repayment from the student loan company (SLC). If you have granted a loan from SLC for your studies, then you have been employed, there are high chances that refunds will be automatically removed from your salary.

This can help you to be up to date with your payments easily, without thinking too much about it. However, you may be in danger and pay excessively.

Student loan payments are calculated based on a percentage of your income, which is over a particular threshold for the type of loan plan. According to, the current thresholds are in effect:

Plan 2

Plan 4

Plan 5

In some cases, your revenues may change throughout the year, such as if you were doing overtime, which pushes your weekly or monthly income over the threshold that can change your automatic loan payments. In this case, you can be eligible for a refund.

If you notice that you have made refund to your loan for students throughout the year, but your income has been below the threshold, you can request a repayment. However, in some cases, you can be contacted by the SLC, saying that you are due to a refund.

An Email from SLC will generally include the client’s reference number, which will be the same as the one you use to connect to your online loan account. He will then tell you that you are eligible for a refund and will detail the reason why.

For example, you might say that you have made refund through your salary throughout the fiscal year 2022/23, despite being below the annual threshold that year. The Email will then contain a link to the GOV.UK SLC login site where you can find a form to request a refund.

Before you connect to your account, you will need:

  • Customer Reference Number or E -Email Address to Account
  • Your password
  • The answer to your security question, for example, your mother’s girl name.

Warning on E -Chewing Equils

Fraudsters can disguise themselves as representatives of SLC and can contact you to claim that you are a refund. Probably they will ask you to update your payment information so that the repayment can pass, obtaining your private bank information.

While SLC sends E -emails announcing people about a refund that can contain links to a login, if you want to make mistakes from prudence, you can handle manually to the official The financial site of the students And connect there to check if you are due to a refund.

More details about getting a refund for your student loan can be found Here.