
Teen Webster City killed in tractor accident | News, sports, jobs

Teen Webster City killed in tractor accident | News, sports, jobs

A teenager Webster City was killed in an accident on Friday morning while driving to school.

According to the Iowa state patrol, Logan Baldwin, 16 years old, was driving a fingered tractor on the south on White Fox Road and 203rd Street from Hamilton County, around 6:30, on Friday. A 2007 Toyota led by Brian Vander, 69, from Webster City was also south and hit the back of Baldwin’s tractor, sending him to the ditch and overturning him.

Baldwin was thrown from the tractor and died on the spot because of his wounds.

The superintendent of Webster City Matt Berninghaus school issued a statement on Friday morning “I ask to support everyone else, while we are sad as a school community. Please join to keep the student’s family and friends in our thoughts. “

The other driver was taken to the Vandyst Medical Center for injuries suffered in the accident.

According to the Iowa state patrol, the accident remains in investigation.

Helping on the spot were the office of the Sheriff in Hamilton County, Webster City, Webster City Fire and Van Diest Medical Center EMS.