
Robbers blocks the road with trees, rob 20 vehicles in Pabna

Robbers blocks the road with trees, rob 20 vehicles in Pabna

30-40 armed robbers, wearing sticks, models, knives and axes, robbed the vehicles

TBS report

March 1, 2025, 01:35

Last Changing: March 1, 2025, 01:43 PM

The photos show a truck stuck on the road (left) and the trunk of the tree used to block the road on the roadside (on the right). Photos: TBS

The photos show a truck stuck on the road (left) and the trunk of the tree used to block the road on the roadside (on the right). Photos: TBS

The photos show a truck stuck on the road (left) and the trunk of the tree used to block the road on the roadside (on the right). Photos: TBS

A large group of robbers used trees to block a road in Santhia Pabna and robbed the passengers of at least 20 vehicles, including buses and trucks, in terrifying crime display.

Several vehicles were robbed during the incident that took place near the Chechania bridge on the Road Pabna-Santhia around 1:30 in the morning this morning (March 1), the Officer in pregnancy (OC) of the Santhia Police Section told Rahman.

“The police were shipped immediately at night after receiving the news. It treats the problem with the highest importance,” he said.

According to police and locals, members of a robbery band blocked the road for the first time, placing tree trunks near the Chechania bridge, stopping a truck carrying goods.

About 15-20 vehicles, including buses, trucks, cars and microbus, were blocked in a short time.

At that time, 30-40 armed robbers, carrying sticks, models, knives and axes, plundered the vehicles.

They also vandalized some vehicles when the drivers were late to open the gates. During this time, the transport workers and passengers were assaulted, plundering and mobile phones, cash and other objects.

They continued to rob people for almost an hour and a half.

In a video statement posted on Facebook, the Islamic speaker Abdus Salam, who fell the victim of the robbery, described the creepy incident.

“A short time ago, a robbery took place on this road. The robbers placed tree trunks on the road to stop the vehicles and performed the robbery. Suddenly, the band members attacked our vehicle. After they repeatedly hit our car, I asked the driver to open the gate, and the robes entered the driver,” he said.

“They took all the hostages and robbed everything. We plead with them,” brother, take everything you want, but do not harm anyone. ” No one in our vehicle was injured.

“A migrant worker was returning home to a microbus. The robbers attacked that vehicle, assaulted several people and robbed everything,” Salam said.

Claiming that the police arrived at the scene after the robbers left, the locals said that the robbery continued for almost an hour and a half.

They said that such a major robbery could have been prevented if the police had come earlier.