
PM Wong launches PA youTh charter for young people to organize community impact projects

PM Wong launches PA youTh charter for young people to organize community impact projects

Singapore – A new youth charter has been launched to inspire and ral the young people from Singapore to take action on the community problems they care about.

Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, who is also the president of the People Association (PA), launched the youth book at the future event of the youth, on March 1, at NGEE ANN City Civic Plaza.

In collaboration with the diamond jubilee in Singapore or SG60, PA also introduces a new SG60 PA employment subsidy.

The subsidy will record up to $ 3,000 offered to each youth network of youth movement (PayM) for young people to lead projects on topics that resonate.

Paym, which was established in 1971 to hire young people in significant activities, commits one million hours of volunteering in 2025 to conceptualize and organize community projects from the ground.

Will turn around three problems: Mental health, racial and religious harmony and durability and environment.

These themes have based on feedback gathered from people between the ages of 15 and 35 in the last 15 months, through community events, focus group discussions and other forms of commitments.

Paym received 127,000 suggestions, feedback and contributions.

The respondents included students, volunteers and activists in community organizations and faith based and groups of civil society. Also involved young people with disabilities and those in the reforming training centers were involved.

Prime Minister Wong said he believes that young people have ideas and passion to make Singapore a better place.

Addressing more than 1,000 young people at the event, he said: “It is (the Charter) is not just a document. It is a call to action. It is a model to model the community and Singapore you want for yourself and your future. “

Prime Minister Wong added that the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth and the National Youth Council intends to associate more young people to develop a wider plan.

He mentioned that Singapore survival has never been assured from the beginning, but has overcome extraordinary adversities and obstacles.

And he has to prepare for a more cotton walk, he said.

Prime Minister Lawrence Wong taking a group photo with young people during the launch of the youth card at the future of youth at NGEE ANN CITY CICCI PLAZA, on March 1, 2025.

Prime Minister Lawrence Wong (in black) at the launch of the youth card at the future of youth at Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza. With him I am the Minister of Culture, Community and Youth Edwin Tong (second from the left) Minister of State for Digital Development and information Janil Puthucheary (left) and MP Xie Yao Quan (with the SG60 sign).Photo: Lim Yaohui

PM Wong said: “Looking now, in our next phase, we can see dark clouds over the horizon. We can expect stormy weather in the world around us. “

But he added that Singapore can be confident in his future, because he has overcome difficult times, such as the Covid-19 Pandemia.

He now has a stronger foundation and a clearer roadmap through the Forward Singapore – the agenda has been on the way of consulting with all Singaporeans – and has set clear plans in Budget 2025.

While the government will do its part to ensure the future Singapore, it needs the support of people to write the next chapter of his story, added PM Wong.

“So, for all our young people, I say, the future Singapore is not just something you inherited; It is something you will create through every action you take from today, ”he said.

Dr. Janil Puthucheary, president of the PayM Council Group, and the main minister of the state, the Ministry of Digital Development and Information and the Ministry of Health, said that the activity began just before the launch of the youth Charter.

He said that in the last year, there have already been 375 projects led by youth that involved about 4,000 volunteers. And about 240 youth organizations have registered for supporting the Charter, he said.

In addition to the three themes, work opportunities are another field of young people like Mr. Avinaash Maravarman, aged 18.

The first year a student of aeronautical engineering in Singapore in Singapore is a secretary of the youth network in Canberra. He was involved in the beach on the beach on Sembawang Park beach.

He said: “The labor market evolves rapidly, so many young people like me are worried if our education and abilities will remain relevant in the future, especially with global competition and the possibility of an economic crisis.”

ST20250301-202508800852-Lim YAOHUI-SOCHU SOO FANG-SFYOUTH01/ Prime Minister Lawrence Wong interacting with young people at the launch of the Youth Carter, as part of the Futureyouth Movement Ann Civic Plaza on March 1, 2025. The youth card of Pa articulates the consensus and crystallized commitments from 127,000 voices of youth from all points of life. This is based on the engagement that was done in the Forward Singapore exercise to refresh the social compact of the youth with the government and to understand the changing aspirations of today's youth. (St Photo: lim yaohui)

Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, Minister of Culture, Community and Youth Edwin Tong (in red) and the main minister for digital development and information Janil Puthucheary (white) at the launch of the Youth Charter Ann City Civic Plaza.Photo: Lim Yaohui

The aspirant pilot works part-time as a member of the ground staff for an airline to gain experience in the industry.

A Recent survey to graduate employment Launched on February 24, he showed that 79.5 percent of the university graduates provided full -time positions in 2024, decreasing from 84.1 percent in 2023.

In addition to work opportunities, Mr. Joshua Khoo, 33, suffering from skeletal dysplasia, is concerned with discrimination at work.

The independent photographer, who gave her feedback during the job employment, said: “Because we look different, the society can see those with special needs or as less capable.”

Mr. Ng Shi Xuan, 35, vice -president of the Macpherson Youth network, said the purpose of the youth card is to inspire young people to be manufacturers of changes.

He said: “If you look at schools and jobs, they have very structured volunteering programs. But, with youth networks, there is a third space where young people can go out and explore their own projects, the causes they are passionate about. “

  • Chin soo Fang is a senior correspondent at The Straits Times that covers topics such as community, politics, social problems, consumers, culture and heritage.

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