
Former Sergeant of Lancaster County paid by all charges in the second trial

Former Sergeant of Lancaster County paid by all charges in the second trial

SGT Ryan Schmuecker
Sgt. Ryan Schmuecker
Curtaosis: Sheriff’s office in Lancaster County

Lincoln, Neb. (KLKN)-A former law enforcement officer in Lancaster Lancaster County was found guilty on Friday for three charges.

A jury paid the former SGT. Ryan Schmuecker from three charges of neglect to serve a mandate of crime.

The case started in February 2024.

Schmuecker, who worked for the Sheriff’s office in Lancaster County, was accused of not arresting two people who had mandates because they did not pay fines.

The sheriff’s office claimed that Schmuecker told them to pay their fines and let them leave.

See also: Former Sergeant in Lancaster County Plust because he has not fulfilled mandates

Was fired on May 10 and criminal accused Two weeks later.

Schmuecker went to trial in December but the jury could not reach a verdict so Judge Jo Petersen said a myistrial.

His second trial started on Thursday.

See also: Sergeant in the Sheriff’s office in Lancaster County, accused of incorrect conduct

The jurors began to deliberate on Friday and returned three verdicts that are not guilty immediately after 14:00, according to judicial documents.

Schmuecker sued the sheriff’s office in the effort to recover his job.

The case is pending at the Lancaster County District Court.

Categories: Lancaster, News