
The High Court J&K reprimands GOVT officials for taking 7 months to obtain the sanction to submit the call

The High Court J&K reprimands GOVT officials for taking 7 months to obtain the sanction to submit the call

High Court Jammu and Kashmir While rejecting an appeal, government officials reprimand for the preference of the call after a long delay. The court said that there were no clear reasons for submitting the appeal after an extended period of the delay sentence.

The court also expressed anxiety on the casual way in which the application for the conviction of the 230 days delay was submitted. The court mentioned that the state took seven months to obtain a sanction for submitting the appeal and that no convincing explanation was bid in order to justify the time required in submitting the appeal afterwards.

A bank of Chief Judge Tashi Rabstan and justice Ma Chowdhary observed: “We claim that the applicant has filed this request in a cavalry manner, as a matter of routine, for the sake of a simple formality. The life -free tendency exposed by the state is written in this case. Despite the availability of workforce and huge equipment available, the state was occupied by the problem with indifference. “

The court expressed the surprise for the fact that the seven -month department was needed to obtain sanctions for the appeal and, later, it took 52 days to submit it.

The Court observed: “Much to our chagrin, the state took seven months to obtain the sanction. Even after obtaining the sanction, it took 52 days to file the appeal. The reason for the delay in this number is not whispered in the request, to our surprise, the less satisfactorily explained, despite the fact that the applicant had to explain the delay of each day. “

The court to which refer to Union of India Vs. Central Tibetan schools admin & ors.In which the Supreme Court imposed a cost of $ 1 Lakh on the state and also guided the secretary of law, the Government of India and the secretary, the Ministry of Human Resources Development, to personally ensure the timely submission of appeals.


The decision against which the appeal was requested was pronounced on 29.12.2023. The sanction for the submission of the appeal was granted on 03.07.2024. After that, the call was deposited on 04.09.2024, after 52 days after obtaining the sanction. A total delay of 230 days was registered in the submission of the instant appeal.

The court held that the delay of 230 days in the appeal was not explained satisfactorily. Consequently, the request to convict the delay was rejected with the appeal.


Fahim Nisar Shah, Ga for petitioners

Wajid Haseeb, lawyer. For the respondent

Case Titles: Ut de J & K vs Showkat Ahmad Tantry, 2025 Livelaw (JKL)

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