
The Silver Spring Man sentenced to 26 years in prison for repeated sexual assaults Metrobus

The Silver Spring Man sentenced to 26 years in prison for repeated sexual assaults Metrobus

A spring man from Silver and a registered sex offender was sentenced to prison for 26 years, plus 231 days, because he gathered a woman on Metrobus, according to the prosecutor of Montgomery County.

45 -year -old Kokouvi Apetooh said guilty for two second -degree attack charges. By doing this, he violated the conditions of his probation for a previous accusation of Metrobus Groping – for the second time.

Apetoh climbed into a metrobus near the Rockville subway station on January 7, 2023 and gathered the woman in front of him. He already fled from the spot when she reported her attack on the police.

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On March 22, 2023, the defendant sat behind the same woman in a subway bus and stuck it again. This time, the victim was able to capture a photo with Aperoh before running.

The woman told the police that she was “terrified to leave her in peace” following the attacks.

Following a Rockville City police investigation and Metro Transit Police, Apetoh was arrested.

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Apetooh was convicted in four previous cases involving the victimization of women in public transit for incidents in Montgomery counties and Prince George and District Colombia.

“This defendant is a series sexual offender who has systematically targeted innocent women who make the shuttle to and from work. We have hired ourselves to protect women in our community and to make sure that those who take public transport can do this safe. We applaud Judge Berry because he recognized the meaning of the defendant’s hateful behavior and issued the maximum punishment, ”said State Advocate, John McCarthy.