
Salvation driver of strangers from Burning Truck on I-10 in San Antonio

Salvation driver of strangers from Burning Truck on I-10 in San Antonio

San Antonio – A busy car accident is the last thing anyone wants to see on the commute at work, but instead of trying to pass on Monday morning, several foreigners have fired 10 to see what they could do to help.

The accident occurred around 2:30 months, on I-10 East, on Avenue Roland, according to the Police in San Antonio.

The veteran of the army, James Carlson, said he was on the way to work when he saw the accident.

His first instinct was to check if the driver had come out of their vehicle.

“I saw the truck door, which was sent against the barriers of Jersey, hitting the barrier,” Carlson said. “And immediately, I knew that someone was stuck in the truck.”

Carlson said he jumped into action using the pocket knife to break the window.

“(The driver) screams for help,” Carlson said. “It could not come out that door – the car was engulfed in flames.”

But Carlson wasn’t alone. He said a group of foreigners gathered to help.

Carlson said that the 10 years of military experience had started during the crisis, while he and another man helped the driver to go out the window.

“Another gentleman stopped on his motorcycle to help. Another guy who actually helped me to remove the truck driver, I didn’t even get his name, but he helped, “said Carlson, noting that a woman also tried to get the driver’s water.

Carlson generally said, the incident was “an emotional roller coaster.”

“It just brings a lot of things from my time to work,” he said.

Among the groups, Carlson said there is no hesitation on whether or not to help.

“It has been a little over three years since we moved to San Antonio and this is one of the things I loved,” Carlson said. “It is the community and seeing that people meet, without questions. Everyone knew something had to be done so they met and I did it.

On Monday afterwards, the police department in San Antonio said the man who was fired from the burning truck was taken to a local hospital in critical condition.

Carlson said the group of foreigners exemplifies what to do in an emergency.

“Think quickly, still try to keep yourself as safely as you do, but you can save someone’s life, he said.

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