
Two men and women given 2027 Date of process for theft Bloxwich Machete

Two men and women given 2027 Date of process for theft Bloxwich Machete

John Mansell, 48 years old and Hollowmeadow Avenue, Leamore; Terri Grainger, 44 years old and from Jasmine, Pendeford and Vinni Grainger, 20, from Union Street, Walsallare accused of aggravated theft.

The accusations refer to Friday, May 10, last year, when they are accused of having entered as an offender a house, on Ryle Street, BloxwichWith the intention of provoking painful bodily injury on a person in it and at the time of committing the mentioned theft … a weapon of crime, namely models. “

All three appeared at Wolverhampton Crown Court last week and he pleaded not guilty.