
Teenager arrested while gardai caught 42 euros of cocaine hidden in wool socks in galway

Teenager arrested while gardai caught 42 euros of cocaine hidden in wool socks in galway

Decrease it to make them |

Transport – which has an estimated street value of 42,000 EUR – and will now be sent to the Criminal Science Ireland for analysis.

Cocaine hidden in socks. Photo: Year Garda Siochana

A teenager was arrested after garden confiscated cocaine worth 42 euros hidden in the socks laid a house in Galway.

A total of 600 grams of cocaine were discovered during an attack in an Oranmore house during an attack by the divisional drug unit.

Transport – which has an estimated street value of 42,000 EUR – and will now be sent to the Criminal Science Ireland for analysis.

A Garda spokesman said a teenager was arrested after discovery

He said: “A man, old teenager, was arrested and detained in a station in the North -West Garde region, in accordance with section 4 of the Criminal Justice Law in 1984.

“Later was released without accusation, waiting for further investigations.”

Galway’s superintendent, Gerard Roche, last year, described the growth of cocaine in the area as an “extraordinary”.

He warned that Galway drugs are becoming more and more “volatile” and said that the main goal for the guard should be the approach of the drug supply chain.

“If we put a lot of drug resources, we will achieve results. I want to make things very difficult for people who go down the lines of sale and supply, ”he said.

“We have arrested groups that begin to become quite volatile in the city and county, but this drug strategy is making a lot of effort and lots of resources.

“The use of cocaine is now endemic and is in every class of society. If a person wants to take drugs, he will. It is our duty to disturb the sale and drug offer and make life as uncomfortable for anyone involved. “