
The man convicted for killing the friend during the game “Who could take a best fist”

The man convicted for killing the friend during the game “Who could take a best fist”

  • A man from Wales was sentenced to two and a half years in prison after recognizing to the death of a former colleague
  • Liam Morgan-Whittle, 22, died in March 2023, after Jason Thomas, 40 years old, hit Fatal while seeing “who could take a fist best,” the authorities said
  • “Words cannot explain the pain, devastation, anxiety, and anger I endured since it was taken,” said the victim’s mother

A man from Wales was closed because he killed a former colleague after they praised him with “who could take a fist best” after a night, the authorities said.

On Monday, March 3, Jason Thomas, 40, was sentenced to two years and six months in prison at Swansea Crown Court following the death of Liam Morgan-Whittle, 22, March 25, 2023. The suspect declared culprit for murder, for a crown tracking service (CPS) press release.

On March 24, 2023, Thomas and Morgan-Whittle-who knew each other for the same construction company returned to an apartment after a night. The two men “began to boast who could take a fist best, which led to Thomas’s hit the victim twice in fast success,” said the press release of CPS.

“Blows beat Mr. Morgan-Inconscious, and his health was rapidly damaged, which led to the call of emergency services,” the statement added. “Unfortunately, despite the efforts of emergency services, Liam Morgan-Whittle died because of his wounds.”

Said Dyfed-Powys police in a release That the victim suffered “catastrophic lesions at two strokes” before his death.

Liam Morgan-Whitt.

Dyfed-Powys police

Conformable BBCThe court heard that the pair was at the house of a friend drinking alcohol and taking cocaine before the fatal incident and it was assumed that “joking and laughing” throughout the evening.

Prosecutor William Hughes KC told the court: “A point came in the evening when they started a discussion that could be described as banter, but became an increasingly aggressive argument on who could take a better fist.” On an outlet.

The incident took place at Michael Davies’ apartment, and he said the suspect said to the victim: “I will hit you first”, and he would have replied: “Continue then,” the BBC informed. Davies told the police that he “tried to discourage the perforation game,” the socket added.

Defense lawyer John Hipkin Kc, insisted that Thomas “never intended that Liam Morgan-Whittle would be seriously injured, let alone die. There was a fist-for-far game in which the two involved,” on the BBC, adding that his client “endeavored to do what he did.”

Judge Paul Thomas Kc told the court: “This tragic event was fueled by excessive alcohol and cocaine consumption, which caused you to lose any common sense,” on the BBC. “You were warned by someone present not to do this. He could see the risk. But you in your state of substance, you could not.”

“Both fists that you delivered were with great strength, enough to beat him unconsciously, and then to enter the cardiac arrest from which he never came back,” the judge continued.

Jason Thomas.

Dyfed-Powys police

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Morgan-Whittle’s mother, Claire Whittle, said about the death of her son: “What we did, as a family, is something I wouldn’t like someone else to pass. Liam did not have a disease that took it too early, did not have an unexpected accident and did not want to die. He was killed, “according to the police press release.

“No matter what I say, words cannot explain pain, devastation, anxiety and anger I endured since Liam was taken. No one should go through tragedy, as we all have, because it is uninterrupted, “she continued.” We will never reach him and we will never heal. ”

The victim’s mother added: “Liam was 22 when he was taken from us. He had time on his side to fulfill his dreams. These have been shattered now, as well as my dreams for him. ”

“I never thought for a minute that the last time I saw Liam I never saw him again, that one night would turn into a life of what it would be like if Maybes,” she continued as she paid tribute to her “loving and caring, scary and loud.”