
The adolescent who sexually assaulted sister receives a reforming training to tackle the use of porn, attitude toward sex

The adolescent who sexually assaulted sister receives a reforming training to tackle the use of porn, attitude toward sex

Singapore: a teenager who sexually assaulted his younger sister twice was sentenced to at least one year in reforming training (March 4).

The teenager, 19 years ago, cannot be named to protect the victim’s identity. He advocated previously guilty for two sex accusations with a minor.

In March 2020, the 14-year-old sexually assaulted his sister in his room.

She said not when she asked if she could touch her, but the 13 -year -old gave up after he repeatedly pleaded with her and said it would only take a while.

He touched the victim and asked him to perform a sexual act on him, which she did.

At that time, he had just participated in sex education courses at school and was interested and curious about sex.

In March 2022, the 16 -year -old teenager was upset after obtaining his results at the O. He drank alcohol and felt sleepy.

At home, he asked him his sister, who turns 15 that year, to have sex with him. He initially refused to perform a sexual act on him, but he did this when he continued to insist.

The girl confessed in a friend that her brother harassed her. She felt powerless and did not know how to tell her brother that she should not engage in sexual activities.

Her friend brought her to make a police report on March 22, 2022.

Prior to these crimes, the adolescent had previously been quarreled by his parents because he reached the other sister inadequate.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Quek Lu Yi has sought reforming training for a year, as a prison psychologist who evaluated the teenager recommends.

Defense lawyer, Ashvin Hariharan, asked for six months in reforming training, arguing that his client’s behavior and a perspective on his crimes have improved since his arrest.

Reform training adopts a rehabilitative approach to young criminals. The students are detained in the reforming training center and must complete the rehabilitation and family programs.

Explaining why one year in reforming training was considered necessary for the teenager, the prisons officer said he needs help with his inadaptive strategy to use pornography to cope with stress.

While the adolescent reduced the consumption of pornography, occupying with volunteering and free time or by monitoring the family, they were distraction techniques, she said.

The teenager needed psychological treatment to build his internal capabilities, she added.

Secondly, the teenager needed an intervention for his attitude towards sex, as he lacked a perspective on the impact of his actions.

Third, the teenager showed sexual concern. The second offense was triggered by a pornography advertisement that he saw, which caused him to brown overnight and sexually agitated his sister the next day, said the psychologist.

The main judge of Deputy District Kessler Soh rejected the defense position that the level of discouragement should not be so high.

In conviction, the judge said to the teenager: “What you did is very serious and I hope you realize it.”

The punishment for the sexual penetration of a minor under 16 is up to 10 years in prison, a fine or both. If the minor was under 14, the maximum prison term is doubled at 20 years.