
FWP Igeon Paramyxovirus Fatbreaks reports in Missoula and Ravalli counties

FWP Igeon Paramyxovirus Fatbreaks reports in Missoula and Ravalli counties

Missouua – State officials for wild animals have responded to several outbreaks of Paramyxovirus pigeons (PPMV) in Missoula and Ravalli counties.

The fish in Montana, the wildlife and the parks report that the disease had exclusively impact of the Eurasian eurasian pigeons, with deaths between 2 and 20 birds per location being reported.

While FWP reports Paramyxovirus does not “represent a substantial risk to humans or pets”, people should take caution when they remove carcasses.

A press release notes that avian flu is a completely different disease from PPMV and usually infects different birds.

The following information was provided by FWP:

What is the Paramyxovirus pigeon?

Paramyxoviruses are viruses that appear naturally in birds. FWP recently detected PPMV-1 in Montana. This PPMV strain is not known to affect most mammals and usually does not affect avian species, except for pigeons, pigeons and cormorants. Although there have been no cases confirmed by PPMV-1 that caused disease in the US poultry, some other avian paramexoviruses can affect the poultry and other avian species.

PPMV infects people?

PPMV infection in humans is extremely rare and often follows direct and extended contact with infected birds. PPMV in humans usually results in very mild symptoms.

However, fatal and severe cases of PPMV in humans have been observed in rare cases and can be a concern for immunocompromised people. Mountains should take precautionary measures when dealing with any sick or dead bird they find. Whenever possible, avoid contact with sick or dead wild animals. Even if a bird is not suspected of died due to a contagious disease, gloves should always be worn if a dead animal should be managed for elimination.

What about PPMV transmission to domestic animals?

PPMV-1 does not usually affect avian species, apart from pigeons, pigeons and cormorants. Limiting the exposure of domestic animals to wild birds, especially if the birds are sick or dead, can contribute to reducing the risk of disease to domestic animals.

What can the mountains do to help

I found a dead bird. What should i do?

If dead wild birds are to be collected for elimination, wear disposable gloves and remove the bird in a plastic bag, then seal or tie the bag and place it in a garbage container.

When should I report dead wild birds to FWP?

FWP is interested in reports on certain sick or dead wild bird situations, where disease testing can be justified. These include reports of five or more diseased or death birds in the same location, sick or death birds found near domestic birds or sick or death birds that have had prolonged or close contact with humans. The FWP staff will establish on a case -by -case basis and may not be able to respond to all reports. To send a report, contact the Local FWP office. For Missoula and Ravalli counties, contact Torrey Ritter, FWP biologist 2 Nongame Wildlife, at 406-381-2339.

What precautions should I take to the hunt?

Eurasian colored corn are a non-native species and can therefore be harvested at any time of the year, without bag limits and the license is not required. Mourning pigeons, which are a native species and can also be affected by this disease, have regulated the hunting seasons in Montana and are considered a gaming bird up.

Hunters should avoid harvesting birds that look sick. The risk of exposure is the highest when handling the carcasses and tissues of freshly killed birds. Practice good food management procedures. The risk of infection from the properly handled cooked meat consumption is very low. Do not feed raw residues (including meat, organs, etc.) of domestic animals (dogs, cats, chicken, etc.), even if the harvested bird seemed healthy.

What precautions should they take fake?

Some common recommendations for hawks include avoiding pigeons, pigeons and cormorants or feeding these species in your birds and practicing good biosecurity. This could include improved installation cleaning protocols, taking measures to prevent the access of wild birds to the installation, the bribery of any new birds for 10 to 14 days and avoiding contact with people or materials that have recently been in contact with wild birds.

What happens if my pet becomes sick?

If your dog or cat shows signs of being ill (respiratory problems, fatigue, lethargy, stomach problems, etc.), especially if the dog or cat were in contact with the birds, take the pet to the veterinarian. If the sick pet has contact with wild birds, announce the veterinarian that PPMV may be a concern.

Avian flu

Avian influenza A (H5N1) (also called HPAI or Avian flu, is a completely different disease from PPMV and usually infects different birds (pigeons and pigeons have a low risk). Hope infection is widespread among wild birds and sporadic outbreaks and infections among domestic birds and other mammals took place in Montana from 2022.

Additional HPAI information to the wild birds in Montana can be found here. Visit CDC site For more information about HPAI in humans. US The website of the Department of Agriculture It has information about HPAI in domestic animals.