
Why Melania Trump makes efforts for the anti-Revenge porn bill? What is it “take it down”? explicitly

Why Melania Trump makes efforts for the anti-Revenge porn bill? What is it “take it down”? explicitly

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Take It Down Act illegally makes publishing “intimate intrasensible images, including deep pornography and requires socializing companies to eliminate this content when notifying a victim within 48 hours

The first Mrs. Melania Trump, followed by Senator Ted Cruz (right) and the president of Mike Johnson's chapter, man in March 3 in Washington. (AP photo)

The first Mrs. Melania Trump, followed by Senator Ted Cruz (right) and the president of Mike Johnson’s chapter, man in March 3 in Washington. (AP photo)

The first lady in the US, Melania Trump, has supported a draft law designed to protect the victims of unconsensible sharing of explicit sexual images and deep pornography.

Melania spoke for the first time at the White House since Trump returned to power. “I am here with you today with a common goal – to protect our young people from online damages,” Melania said last month.

The draft law provided the bipartidist support in the Senate during the previous session of the Congress and again in February, but is still waiting to be passed in the room.

What is it to act?

The take IT Down act was introduced by Senator Ted Cruz in Texas, which makes illegally publish “non-consistent intimate images (NCI), including” digital forge “created with AI software (or deep pornography) and requires social networks and similar websites to have such procedures to eliminate such a notification to a victim Launches 2024 from Cruz.

The draft law would also request socializing companies to eliminate this content within 48 hours and take measures to prevent their recurrence after a victim’s request.

The draft law would establish a federal crime for publicly publishing or threatening to publish online, without consent, including identifiable, realistic, computer generated images.

During Donald Trump’s first term, the first lady focused on online safety through the “Be Best” campaign, who promoted the child’s well -being and digital responsibility. Bill Take It Down seems to align with Trump’s efforts to continue this initiative.

Why is there an objection to the draft law?

Organizations such as The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Siecus: Sex ED for social changes and the Woodhull Freedom Foundation sent a letter to the Senate, expressing the reserves on the bill.

The letter argues that the goal “Take it down” is appreciated, but the current text would lead to consensual explicit images or even content such as journalism or political discourse.

Other concerns that have been signaled included how the draft law would stimulate automatic filters, which could inaccurate the legal content and could be a danger to the end encryption (no one can read a message, except for people who send and receive it). The platforms may not be able to respect the invoice if they cannot see messages that violate it. This could mean that platforms abandon encryption

Deepfakes growing in the US

Most US states have laws that protect revenge porn individuals, but only 20 states have explicit laws covering deep intimate (NCI) intimate images, on the Maria Elvira Salazar Congress in Florida.

Researchers say The Associated Press that the number of explicit deeps has increased in the last few years, because the technology used to create these explicit images is more accessible and easier to use.

In the last year, the pornographic images generated by AIs, unconstintent, have targeted various people, from high profile figures such as Taylor Swift and Democrat representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to schoolchildren, including a 15-year-old high school, Elliston Berry from Texas, who joined the first lady on Capitol Hill.

“They overlapped her face (Berry’s) in pornographic content without her consent, just to humiliate her. And although the Elliston family contacted socializing companies for help, their efforts decreased on the deaf ears. Finally, fake images have circulated worldwide, “said the first lady.

In a discussion of the round table about Capitol Hill, Melania also said: “Every young man deserves a safe online space to express himself freely, without the threat in operation or injury.”

What is Porn Revenge?

Revenge Porn is a form of digital abuse in which sexually or sexually explicitous photos and explicit videos are shared without the consent of those depicted, according to WebMD. Also known as non-research pornography, it is closely related to sexual abuse.

A current or former partner can distribute such images as an act of “revenge” or can use them as a blackmail.

Revenge porn posts may include your name, links to your social accounts and even your phone number. In a study, almost half of the people affected by revenge porn said that others have harassed them or followed them online.

One study discovered that up to 93% of the victims of the revenge porn had major emotional suffering, such as guilt, depression, paranoia, anger or suicidal thoughts.

There is no federal law against the porn of revenge in the USA. But in all states, it is illegal to share sex or pictures of anyone under 18.

A lawyer or lawyer who understands the porn situations of revenge can help you understand the law and make a knowledgeable decision.

News explanatory Why Melania Trump makes efforts for the anti-Revenge porn bill? What is it “take it down”? explicitly