
Gujarat hc observations in pleading against violation of noise pollution rules, framing policy orders

Gujarat hc observations in pleading against violation of noise pollution rules, framing policy orders

The High Court of Gujarat, Wednesday (March 5), issued a notification of a plea, which supported the willing disobedience of the instructions issued by the High Court, the Supreme Court, as well as in December 2019 the notification of the problem of noise pollution.

While listed after four weeks, the Court has guided the respondent authorities to formulate a policy or mechanism for implementing the instructions issued by the Court, as well as by the Supreme Court and also the implementation of the rules and the regulation that regulates noise pollution.

A division bank a Justice as the Superia and Justice Nisha M Thakore The opinion issued to the respondents no. 2.

The Court noted the contents of the petitioner Amita Panchal, who claimed that, despite the indications issued by Coordinates Bench in his order of March 4, 2024, in a pile of 2022, on this topic, TheDirections issued by the Supreme Court in the pollution of noise (V) in Rev. Union of India and Another (2005), as well as a notification of December 3, 2019 read with relevant rules, the respondent authorities do not implement the same thing. Panchal said the notification prohibits the sale or use of any sound systems used in public without installation sound limiters.

He also emphasized the news reports to claim that, due to the flagrant violation of the law, children – to examine, including council exams, the elderly and the sick people become victims of noise pollution, which is committed by few people, playing strong speakers, Woofers, etc.

Issuing the notification to the respondent authorities said the court, “Meanwhile, respondents are guided to formulate a policy or mechanism for implementing the instructions issued by this court, as well as instructions issued by the Supreme Court and also implements the rules and regulations that regulate noise pollution.“.

Pleadoaria claims that the court, in its March 2024 order, asked the authorities to explain how it will ensure the strict compliance with the notification issued by the Gujarat pollution control council on December 3, 2019 for the efficient control of noise pollution in the entire state, with immediate effect (for example, from 03.12.2019), and what was mentioned. The mentioned notification was issued.

The mentioned notification is issued in the exercise of the power conferred from Article 5 (3) of the 2000 noise (regulatory and control) pollution rules, issued in accordance with the 1986 environment, which prohibits the use of selling/selling any of the sound systems used in the public address system without the installation/refurbishment). The application was also submitted regarding the legal observance of the rules regarding noise pollution (regulation and control), 2000, Air (pollution prevention and control) of 1981 and, in contravention, the observations and directions of the Honorable Supreme Court in India in the case of pollution (V) in Re. Union of India and another, reported in (2005) 5 SCC 733, which are mandatory under Article 141 of the Constitution of India“says Pleadoaria.

During the hearing, the court remarked orally, “Personally we are all victims for all this. And personally, in my case, I informed the authorities to do what is necessary, because it is absolutely nervous“.

Case title: Amit Manibhai Panchal V/S Kaivan M. Dastoor & Ors

R/MCA/649/2025 in R/WPPIL/101/2022