
The man accused after his two dogs killed another dog

The man accused after his two dogs killed another dog

Nashville, Tenn. (WSMV) – a man was arrested after his two dogs killed an elderly dog, according to an arrest statement.

On March 1, David Bishop was walking his two Huskies Alaskan when he went outside the property of a house in which a woman and her elder dog live.

According to the statement, the bishop lost control over his dogs, fell to the ground and threw the leasures.

The report said the two dogs left and attacked the English Setter, 14 years old.

During the attack, the dogs had no muscle. The elder dog had always had to be taken down because of the damage he received.

After the attack, the officers with the Police Department of the Nashville subway found out that there were two attacks that involved Bishop’s dogs and that they were listed as “vicious and they were given euthanasia.”

According to the report, a few days after the attack, the officers were called to the victim’s house on March 6 and March 7. On March 6, the victim transmitted what happened.

The next day, the officers were called back to her house after Bishop appeared again, shouting outside her house.

The police arrested the bishop at his home in 1616, Glenridge Dr. according to the report, the bishop said that the victim’s dog had attacked the dogs. The police said the bishop’s dogs did not hurt.

Bishop was accused of dogs who ran into the sea and the causes of death.