
Final test pendants in the probe Pina Colada – FBC News

Final test pendants in the probe Pina Colada – FBC News

Final test pendants in the probe Pina Colada – FBC News

(File photo)

The Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Viliame Gavoka, confirmed that a result of the remaining test is still in the investigation into the safety of drinks consumed by the tourists from Fiji.

Gavoka says that the tests performed by the forensic forensic teams in Fiji and the independent analysis in New Zealand did not find harmful substances in drinks.

However, he says there is a specific case that still requires additional checks.

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There is a particular case to be checked and we do measures to do so in New Zealand. “

When he asked for details, he refused to reveal the individual’s identity, invoking confidentiality issues.

Gavoka points out that Fiji maintains high food safety and drink standards, with most hotels accredited in internationally recognized food safety systems.

He says that while many countries now advise their citizens to be cautious about the safety of drinks when traveling, the hospitality sector in Fiji remains employed to ensure the well -being of its visitors.

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